
Kaikki teokset minikansikuvat

Konkreettiset varmuuskopiot pöytälaatikosta.

Pyöreitä esineitä etsimässä 1-3 Varjokirja Viihdettä vierailijoille Kuoleman kuningas Yksityisetsivän höpinöitä Elottomat kuvat Mopsi


Transformers 2, taide-elokuva

Michael Bay is not willing to settle for going way over the top, like other directors. Michael Bay Finally Made An Art Movie


NYNEX, Embedded Angel of NY

Thing is – spoiler alert – halfway through the film, the Ghostbusters realize that NYNEX isn't a phone system at all: it's the embedded nervous system of an angel – a fallen angel – and all those phone calls and dial-up modems in college dorm rooms and public pay phones are actually connected into the fiber-optic anatomy of a vast, ethereal organism that preceded the architectural build-up of Manhattan. NYNEX, Embedded Angel of New York City


Bändien nimiä


Kaikki nämä nimekkäät artistit esiintyvät tai esiintyivät jo Hässäkkäpäivillä Oulussa. Jos on hyvä nimi niin soitolla ei ole niin väliä.


Lucius Shepard Jack Vancen maailmassa

Subterranean Spring 2009 sisältää Lucius Shepardin tarinan Sylgarmo's Proclamation tulevasta Vance-tribuutista Songs of the Dying Earth. Luonnollisesti pelkkä pullasuti verrattuna mestarin siveltimeen, mutta sai silti kiinnostumaan kirjasta hieman enemmän.

Guide to International SF/F

Guide to International SF/F (Part I )


Magnatune Radio


Why New Novelists Are Kinda Old, or, Hey, Publishing is Slow

Why New Novelists Are Kinda Old, or, Hey, Publishing is Slow

But even when that’s done there’s more waiting! That’s because the publisher will need to find a spot for the novel on its release schedule, one that allows it to highlight the work and also gives it time to secure publicity and advance reviews and all that good stuff. That spot on the release schedule may be a year or even two in the future. This is the part that really drives writers nuts: Everything’s done and yet, no book. It’s madness, I tell you.


How an Indie Musician can make $19,000 in 10 hours using Twitter

How an Indie Musician can make $19,000 in 10 hours using Twitter
Dresden Dolls, Amanda Palmer

people started ordering the shirts - that i designed in SHARPIE in realtime
my assistant beth had the shirts printed up ASAP and mailed them from her apartment.

total made on twitter in two hours = $11,000.
total made from my huge-ass ben-folds produced-major-label solo album this year = $0

a few nights after that, i blogged and twittered, announcing a “webcast auction” from my apartment.

total made on twitter in 3 hours, including the postcards, was over $6000.
again, total made on my major-label solo album this year: $0

total made at last-minute secret twitter gig, in about 5 hours = $2000
major-label record blah blah blah = $0


turn on, tune in, get dropped!!!!!

Gnome Quest

Jo klassikko: I Played Through Episode Two Holding A Goddamn Gnome


Glen E. Friedman

Törmäsin lyhyen ajan sisään kahta eri kautta punk-kuvaaja Glen E. Friedmanin valokuvakirjoihin: ensin Danzigin virallisen fanisivun storesta ja hieman myöhemmin BoingBoingista, kun Friedman valitteli blogissaan Kodachromen kuolemaa. Pieni netti.

Pod-kirjat 10% alennuksessa perjantaihin asti

Pieni säästövinkki: kaikki Lulu.comin pehmeäkantiset kirjat ovat alennuksessa perjantaihin asti.
Kirjoita ostoskorin coupon-kohtaan LULUBLOG10 ja saat 10% alennuksen koko korista.

Osta kirjoja

Jack Vancen laivamurhamysteeri The Dark Ocean on nyt myös myynnissä.

Video Game Writing Archive



Ressun kirja

The complete text of Snoopy's novel
It Was A Dark And Stormy Night
by Snoopy
Part I
It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a shot rang out!
A door slammed. The maid screamed.
Suddenly, a pirate ship appeared on the horizon!
While millions of people were starving, the king lived
in luxury. Meanwhile, on a small farm in Kansas, a boy was
growing up.


Best of Michael Moorcock

Michael Moorcockin haastattelu.

I prefer fiction BEFORE it turns into genre. Genre depends on working out of a kind of group -- um -- gene pool and I tend to write fiction which suits my own purposes.


The story of being homeless in The Sims 3

Luodaan kaksi koditonta Sims-hahmoa ja jatkotarina kirjoittaa käytännöllisesti katsoen itse itsensä.

Alice and Kev, tarinan alku

Samalta kirjoittajalta: parhaaksi avaruusrangeriksi salamurhaamalla kaikki ylempiarvoiset rangerit.

Space Rangers 2: Arthur Stone and the Rusty Nail


Closet screenplay

Japanese and Western writers have created a handful of filmscripts expressly intended to be read rather than produced/performed. This class of prose fiction written in screenplay form is perhaps the most precise example of the closet screenplay.

Akutagawa Ryûnosuke: Asakusa Park
Louis-Ferdinand Céline: Secrets on the Isle



Reading Dickens Four Ways

Reading Dickens Four Ways

The days of prearranged and rigid formats are over.

I love books as much as anybody. But I love reading more.


Literary Lesson: Authors, Poets Write the News

The TV review by Eshkol Nevo opened with these words: “I didn’t watch TV yesterday.” And the weather report was a poem by Roni Somek, titled “Summer Sonnet.” (“Summer is the pencil/that is least sharp/in the seasons’ pencil case.”) News junkies might call this a postmodern farce, but considering that the stock market won’t be soaring anytime soon, and that “hot” is really the only weather forecast there is during Israeli summers, who’s to say these articles aren’t factual?
Literary Lesson: Authors, Poets Write the News


Kausiboksit ja novellisarjat

Kuvitteellinen televisiosarja. Novelleja kirjoitetaan kuin jaksoja, tarinat jaetaan kausiksi. Kuvitteellisia DVD-ekstroja ja poistettuja kohtauksia. Trailereita ja tunnareita.


Parhaat novellikokoelmat ovat fixuppeja tai sarjoja:

Stanislav Lemin Kyberias
Ray Bradburyn Marsin aikakirjat
Clifford D. Simakin City
Jeff Noonin Pixel Juice
Jack Vancen... useimmat kirjat.

Ihmiset katsovat mieluummin kausibokseja kuin lukevat kirjoja, joten kirjojen täytyy sopeutua tilanteeseen ja alkaa muistuttaa kausibokseja.

Sivumäärärajoitus: jokaisen novellin on oltava 5 tai 10 tai 45 sivua pitkä. Yhdessä tuotantokaudessa on 10-20 novellia. Ylimääräiset leikataan ja heitetään poistettuihin kohtauksiin. Tekstin pitää olla tiivistä kuin käsikirjoitus. Turha ympäristökuvailu ja sisäiset monologit pois. Enemmän dialogia. Toiminnalla sisään ja toiminnalla ulos.



Voitin Vapaa-ajattelijain Liiton kilpailusta Religulous-DVD:n. Mikä oli mukavaa. En ollut katsonut aiemmin.

Leffa olikin tylsä. Odotin kärkevää uskontokritiikkiä ja hauskoja vitsejä, ei ollut kumpaakaan. Richard Dawkinsin Root of all Evil ja The Enemies of Reasonkin olivat hauskempia, eikä niitä edes tarkoitettu hupidokkareiksi. Taidan kuulua väärään kohderyhmään, kun en ole uskovainen enkä amerikkalainen.

Mutta hei, ilmainen DVD.



Use zinepal.com to create your own magazines and eBooks. You can select content from blogs, Atom/RSS feeds and other websites. zinepal.com reformats the content into a printable PDF and an eBook for use with the Amazon Kindle and other eBook readers.



What Time Is Art?

What Time Is Art?
James F. is usually a full-time ‘Not Artist’. The success of such a passtime involves thinking and doing as little about art as humanly possible. In this, he is a great practicioner. In fact, sometimes he can go for as long as up to 4 months without contemplating ‘Art’ (save for the frequent forrays into the world of ‘audio terrorism’)


Kuvitteellisia kirjoja kuvitteellisella kielellä

Uusin xkcd tietää kertoa, että Voynichin käsikirjoitus on ilmiselvästi muinaisen roolipelin sääntökirja. Vai olisiko pelkkää artlangia tai kuvia hulluudesta.

Codex Seraphinianus on uudempi kirja, joka on todellakin koriste-esine. Kevyttä matkalukemista, katsele vain kuvia ja koukeroita.


Tuff Writer

Jep, haluan tällaisen kynän.

Q: Why do I need a tactical / defense pen?
A: Because it's a dangerous world out there and the price of being unprepared is just too high.



DIY Publishing and Fanfiction

In the United States, fanfiction is technically illegal, but generally allowed as long as there’s no money changing hands and no claims to copyright.

Elsewhere in the world, however, fanfiction is so common that it’s often actually published and sold. In Japan, for example, amateur fans often get together to produce “dojinshi” books that are essentially fanfiction comics featuring popular characters in continuing adventures or alternate realities.

What’s impressive about a lot of the Japanese fanfiction is that it’s created by amateurs, but printed in small professional quality runs and sold in markets. Much of it is of a fairly low quality, but some of it is indistinguishable from the official products. Some of it is even arguably better.

What publishers need to realize is that there are certain groups of fans out there who want fanfiction, and who will always embrace it, no matter how awful it is. Rather than crank out crummy “official” pseudo-sequels and other publisher-sponsored derivative works, publishers might be smart to jump on the fanfic bandwagon and give fanfic authors the chance to legally sell their work in printed form… a win-win for everyone involved.

DIY Publishing and Fanfiction

Sean Jordan: Comic Book Writer’s Guide



Ote Daniel Martinicon 15-minuuttisesta leffasta, joka koostuu muutamasta sekunnista lainattua materiaalia loopattuna.

KHAAN! The Greatest Syllable Ever Told.


Evolution of Dance Party

Biisi on Santigold: Unstoppable