
Ransom Stephens

The only thing that keeps self-publishing from overwhelming the industry is the “vanity press” stigma; a stigma that is reinforced by both the publishing industry and by writers. I think this is great irony! Writers, generally a rebellious, independent-thinking group truly value whether or not a massive corporation has blessed their work – weird.

Ransom Stephens on The God Patent and the Future of Publishing


Zen Pulp

Matt Zoller Seitzin viisiosainen videoessee Michael Mannin tuotannosta. Collateral ja Miami Vice.

Zen Pulp, Pt 1
Zen Pulp, Pt 2
Zen Pulp, Pt 3
Zen Pulp, Pt 4
Zen Pulp, Pt 5

I don't believe in lifetime subscriptions.


Gangstafiktiota - gettofiktiota - katukirjoja

Improvisoidusta oraalisesta tarinankerronnasta luku- ja kirjoitustaitoon.

WP: Urban fiction

,said the shotgun to the head.

Väärän värinen kansikuva

Valkoinen tyttö kannessa, vaikka kirja kertoo mustasta tytöstä, koska valkoisuus kuulemma myy.

There is, in fact, a large audience for “black books” but they weren’t discovered until African American authors started self-publishing and selling their books on the subway and on the street and directly into schools. And, yet, the publishing industry still doesn’t seem to get it. Perhaps the whole “black books don’t sell” thing is a self-fulfilling prophecy?


Bulletproof (1988)

Bird season is over, butt-horn!


Qstock ja Naamat

Qstock alkaa perjantaina Oulussa. Vettä sataa koko ajan eikä yhtään hyvää bändiä. Oikea meininki.

Perjantaina alkaa myös vaihtoehtofestari Naamat Muuramessa. Lippuja keskelle eimitään myyty 800 eikä enempää saa. Oikea meininki.

Films that might get made

Deadline: Postman, Ewan Mcgregor, is the last but one man on Earth and about to face his toughest assignment yet; deliver a package to the last man on Earth (Mel Gibson) before a deadly virus wipes out all mankind.

In the distant future, Rocky Balboa is more machine than man and he's the last boxer on Earth. Who will fight him? Nobody.

Batteries Feel Included


Interfictions 2

Interfictions 2: a New Anthology of Interstitial Writing, edited by Delia Sherman & Christopher Barzak.

interstitial art: literature, music, visual and performance art found in between categories and genres — art that crosses borders.

Borne on the wind, Interstitial Art is incredibly hard to explain and define, precisely because it’s all about the indefinable, the ever-shifting borders that current commerce and current public fashion force upon the distribution and consumption of that most intangible of “products,” creative art.

This drives some people crazy. They want rules, clear definitions — to be a real movement with recognized leaders… but that’s the antithesis of life and work on the border.



Jack Vance: The Genre Artist

Mukava artikkeli Vancesta: The Genre Artist

Dan Simmons, the best-selling writer of horror and fantasy, described discovering Vance as “a revelation for me, like coming to Proust or Henry James. Suddenly you’re in the deep end of the pool. He gives you glimpses of entire worlds with just perfectly turned language. If he’d been born south of the border, he’d be up for a Nobel Prize.”

Urban Fantasy Book Cover Parade

11 Types of Bad Writing Advice

11 Types of Bad Writing Advice


Bloody Pulp Books

Tämähän vaikuttaa kiinnostavalta kirjasoundtrackilta.

Bloody Pulp Books announces a Limited Edition Package to coincide with its First Publication Release of, CAL MCDONALD DETECTIVE TALES: THE ‘Y’ INCISION

Featuring musical elements from band members of Tool and The Melvins!

Adam Jones of Tool is on board to compose and produce while King Buzz of The Melvins and Fantomas performing musical elements to enhance readers experience.

Limited Boxed Editions are set to include the exclusive CD along with signatures, limited print , and the Kelley Jones illustrated Cal McDonald short: The ‘Y’ Incision book. Original design artwork provided by Alex Lodermeier (1974design) and other swag essentials we can’t yet divulge…

Want more info? Stay tuned to http://www.bloodypulpbooks.com as details unfold!

The Game Crafter

POD-julkaisija kotitekoisille lauta- ja korttipeleille.



Voi ironia

Amazon Kindlen omistajilta hävisi yön aikana kaksi kirjaa, koska julkaisija päätti, ettei enää julkaisekaan e-kirjoja. Ironista, että deletoidut kirjat olivat Orwellin 1984 ja Eläinten vallankumous.

Älä osta Kindleä.

via BoingBoing

Darryl Sloan: Chion

Chion on katastrofiscifiä maailmasta, jossa sataa liimaa. Omaperäinen idea, josta on rakennettu yllättävän, ha, tarttuva juoni. Kirjoittaja pohjoisirlantilainen Darryl Sloan. 145-sivuinen sekoitus Wyndhamin Triffidien kapinaa ja The Day After Tomorrowta yms.

Ilmainen pdf kirjoittajan kotisivulta.

PS: Sloan on hörhö, joka harrastaa folion liikuttelua ajatuksen voimalla, mutta viis siitä. Philip K. Dick oli narkkari, joka luuli elävänsä Rooman valtakunnassa.


Järki ja tunteet ja merihirviöt

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, jatkoa remixmashupille Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

Tulossa myös Queen Victoria – Demon Hunter ja Dickenssin I Am Scrooge: A Zombie Story for Christmas.

Star Wars: Uncut

Star Wars remake 15 sek pätkissä.


Sketsiluonnos: Batman poliisikoulussa

"Okei, Batman, sun pitää laittaa poliisin virkapuku päälle."
"I'm Batman."
"Poliisin pitää käyttää virkapukua."
"I'm Batman."

"Batman, seuraavaksi mennään ampumaradalle."
"I'm Batman."
"Poliisit käyttävät virka-asetta, Batman."
"I'm Batman." Batman heittää batarangin.

"Okei, Batman, tässä on parisi, jonka kanssa partioit - "
"I'm Batman." Batman hyppää batmobiiliin ja huristaa pois.

"Okei, Batman, meillä on tässä panttivankitilanne..."
"Älkää tulko lähemmäs tai ammun naisen!"
Batman hyppää barrikadin ylitse batarangia heiluttaen.
"Batman, takaisin sieltä!"
"Seis! Pudota ase tai ammun!"
Batman heittää batarangin pois.
"Hah, luuletko että menen vanhaan bumerangihuijaukseen?" Roisto vilkaisee taakseen.
Batman tönäisee naisen pois edestä ja iskee roiston kanveesiin.
"I'm Batman." Batman hyppää batmobiiliin ja huristaa pois.


The Three Wings of Self-Publishing

1. Those who want to use self-publishing as a stepping stone to being traditionally published.
2. Those who don’t care about the traditional system whatsoever and want to sidestep it.
3. Those who publish for the hell of it.

via Self-Publishing Review


Post-punk publishing

When the people with the power to publish books set the standards of quality and when the people writing books internalise those standards to the extent that everyone involved even uses the same language to talk about it, it smacks of the kind of entrenched elitism that the punk rock movement was rebelling against. It feels like EMI and Sony and Warner telling musicians what is good and what is bad and musicians doing their best to live up to those judgements. It feels like we should be fighting it, taking a stand against it, starting a ‘punk write’ movement. Here’s a three-act plot, a website, and an iPhone. Now go and write a book.Punk Write!

The band Wire particularly inspire me. Their relentless innovation took them from run-of-the-mill punk group to lean pop conceptualists in the space of months. The band had a ruthless disregard for heritage, throwing out all assumptions and rebuilding with a whole new set of techniques. Guitar solos were rejected, narrative was next. In its place were lyrics based on nature documentaries or map references. It sounds cerebral but it was still clearly pop. They learned to strip a song down to its essential components. If it only took 53 seconds to say, that’s how long it lasted.

Furthermore, the post-punk scene offers a model which can be replicated. It’s not necessary to fight the power, just to set up alternatives which circumvent the traditional model. In many ways, it sounds very much like the internet. Post-punk publishing


Finnconin vieraat

George R.R. Martinin kirjoista puuhataan televisiosarjaa "Sopranos Keski-Maassa" ja Alastair Reynolds teki miljoonan punnan kymmenen kirjan kymmenen vuoden sopimuksen. En ole lukenut kummankaan kirjoja. Olen selaillut kirjastossa, mutta eivät ole herättäneet lainauspäätöstä. Vaikuttavat liian tavallisilta, valitsen mieluummin jotain erikoisempaa.

Finncon jäi väliin tänäkin vuonna. Muistini sanoo, että olen käynyt yhteensä neljässä: 1995 Jyväskylässä, 2000 Helsingissä, 2003 Turussa ja pikavisiitillä 2006 Helsingissä. Kävisin useammin, jos asuisin lähempänä, mutta kun asun kauempana.


The Eye of Argon

The Eye of Argon. Legendaarinen teos vuodelta 1970.

"What are you called by female?"

"Carthena, daughter of Minkardos, Duke of Barwego, whose lands border along the northwestern fringes of Gorzom. I was paid as homage to Agaphim upon his thirty-eighth year," husked the femme!

"And I am called a barbarian!" Grunted Grignr in a disgusted tone!


Quantum Fantay

Quantum Fantay sai nimensä kirjoitusvirheestä. Perustettu Lokerenissa Belgiassa 2002 ja soittaa instrumentaalista psyspacerockia Ozric Tentaclesin vanavedessä. Monet bändit ovat Ozricsia imitoineet (Hidria Spacefolk, Aum, jne), mutta tuotokset ovat yleensä jääneet keskinkertaisiksi. Quantum Fantay on saavuttanut jatkuvajuonisen tasapainon pastissin ja omaperäisyyden välillä tekemällä sivuluisun vaihtoehtouniversumiin, jossa vesiputouskaupunki on sumuaavikko ja erpvelho suikulapäinen alien. Ei yhtä värikäs ja eksoottinen puutarha kuin Ozricsilla, mutta viihtyisä pistokaskasvihuone.


Agapanthusterra (2005)
1. T.N.S.F.P. (3:48)
2. Lantanasch (7:34)
3. Spiral Flame (5:44)
4. Agapanthusterra (8:00)
5. Wintershades (6:19)
6. Trip Escape (4:46)
7. Wais Dame Dilamp (4:31)
8. Chase The Dragon (6:28)
9. (nimetön salabiisi)

Ugisiunsi (2007)
1. Ugisiunsi (7:29)
2. Blocktail (4:45)
3. Forehead Echo (4:46)
4. Snowballs In Ghostlands (5:14)
5. Niek Shlut (7:35)
6. March Of The Buffelario (8:25)
7. Autumn Landscapes (6:32)
8. Lunar (11:30)

Kaleidothrope CD+DVD (2009)
1. The Spirit (7:12)
2. Cube (5:49)
3. Zwar Tysch Apy (9:11)
4. Into The Deep (5:33)
5. Temleh (3:49
6. Frou Frou (7:17)
7. Moving Circles (4:23)
8. Kaleidothrope (8:03)
9. Telepathy (5:42)

From Herzberg to Living Room 2CD live (2008)
1. Kaleidothrope (8:48)
2. The Spirit (7:07)
3. Wais Dame Dilamp (2:58)
4. Blocktail (5:13)
5. March Of The Buffelario (9:34)
6. Lanatanasch (7:29)
7. Forehead Echo (4:43)
8. Wintershades (6:56)
9. Ugisiunsi (7:35)
1. Autumn Landscapes (6:53)
2. Niek Shlut (7:32)
3. Trip Escape (12:29)
4. Snowballs In Ghostland (6:16)
5. Aganpanthusterra (11:01)

Albumeita ei valitettavasti löydä lähikaupoista, tilasin itse suoraan bändiltä.

Kotisivu: www.quantum-fantay.com

Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer

Puusta tehty poika, Geppetton täydellinen ase vampyyreja vastaan. Mutta miksi Pinokkion pääase kasvaa valehtelemalla?


Exercises in Style & 99 Ways to Tell a Story

Exercises in Style by Raymond Queneau
99 retellings of the same story, each in a different style

99 Ways to Tell a Story by Matt Madden

Consider writing an “Exercises in Style” videogame in which each level played out the same situation, in first person, then third, then as an RTS, then as a turn-based strategy, then as a performative Wii game, a team-based multiplayer game, an arcade game, an ARG... http://wordsonplay.wordpress.com/2009/06/27/books-exercises-in-style/

Constrained writing

Spineless Books


Free online OCR


The Best Way To Break Into Science Fiction Writing Is Online Publishing

Rather than simply changing the method of delivering stories to readers, Stackpole believes digital formats will change the nature of the stories themselves. At the very least, authors should tailor their work to these new mediums. He cited what he referred to as "the commuter market," people who read two chapters per day on their half hour train ride to work. It's an ideal market for fiction broken into 2,500 word chapters, and could presage a resurgence of serial fiction. "It's kind of like a return to the Penny Dreadfuls," he said. "But the readers today are more sophisticated, so we as writers need to put more work into it."The Best Way To Break Into Science Fiction Writing Is Online Publishing

via BoingBoing tämäkin.


Free: The Future of a Radical Price by Chris Anderson

A few months ago it was time for my kids to choose how to spend the two hours of "screen time" they're allowed on weekends. I suggested Star Wars and gave them a choice: They could watch any of the six movies in hi-def on a huge projection screen with surround sound audio and popcorn. Or they could go on YouTube and watch stop-motion Lego animations of Star Wars scenes created by 9-year-olds. It was no contest—they raced for the computer.


Cory Doctorow: Makers

Cory Doctorow’s Makers, Part 1 (of 81)

Sample maps

Sample maps by Ethan Hein


Predator rap

Koska 'Rnold pelastaa päivän.


Lyhyitä leffa-arvioita

Star Trek (2009). Kolme tähteä. Kolmanneksi paras Trek-leffa First Contactin ja Voyage Homen jälkeen. Kirkin ja Spockin alkuvaiheet kiiltävissä karkkipaperikääreissä.

Terminator Salvation (2009). Kaksi ja puoli tähteä. Tarinassa ei päätä eikä häntää, mutta pari mukavaa toimintakohtausta.

Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008). Yksi tähti. Haukotuttava musikaalileffa huonoilla biiseillä.

The Night Porter (1974). Kaksi tähteä. Kuulostaa hyvältä paperilla, mutta toteutus on pitkäveteistä jahkailua. Uusintaversion paikka.

The Five Obstructions (2003). Yksi tähti. Tyyppi kiertää ympäriinsä tekemässä tyhjänpäiväisiä versioita tyhjänpäiväisestä lyhytelokuvasta.



Protagonize.com is an online community originally dedicated to the (nearly) lost art of the addventure (yes, that's spelled right), a very specific type of collaborative fiction.



Poistaa häiritsevät rajoitukset pdf-tiedostoista.


Checking book values on the web

The mistake most people make when valuing books on the web is to take their price form the highest or the mid range. None of the books listed have sold and anybody had to buy one they would choose the cheapest in decent condition; only a mad man would choose to pay more than necessary. Take your price from the low end of books in comparable condition.
Checking book values on the web


Greatest First Page of Any Book Ever

Greatest First Page of Any Book Ever:
Chapter 9:

Dale M. Courtney: Moon People

Peter Chimaera on saanut haastajan book of hsitorical faFfictionilleen.

Lisää musiikkia: Arnold-tribuutteja

Austrian Death Machine - Come With Me If You Want To Live albumilta Total Brutal (2008)

ArnoCorps - Commando albumilta The Greatest Band of All Time (2005)

Nanowar - Metal La La La


Nyt soi: crabcorea ja screamocrunkia

Attack Attack! - Stick Stickly

BrokeNCYDE - Freaxxx

The "Albucrazy"-based band has done for MySpace emo what some think Soulja Boy did for hip-hop: turn their career into a kind of macro-performance art that exists so far beyond the tropes of irony and sincerity that to ask "are they kidding?" is like trying to peel an onion to get to a perceived central core that, in the end, does not exist and renders all attempts to reassemble the pieces futile.

The DM of the Rings

Sormusten Herra roolipelisarjakuvana.
-2 maturity
+2 funny