
Ryu Murakami: A Singing Whale

Mr. Murakami, the acclaimed author of over 15 novels including “Coin Locker Babies” and “In the Miso Soup”, replaced the publishers with a software company to help develop the e-book titled “A Singing Whale,” or “Utau Kujira” in Japanese. The digital package will include video content and set to music composed by Academy Award winning composer Ryuichi Sakamoto


The Guy Who Worked For Money

"He works for money," Malka said.
"He what?" Nera felt a hint of queasy vertigo.
"I know, weird."


Teoksen suuri fantasia- ja scifikirjoituskilpailu

Kustannusosakeyhtiö Teos julistaa suuren fantasia-scifi-kirjallisuuskilpailun avatuksi. Kilpailu on avoin kaikille fantasia- tai tieteiskirjallisuuteen kuuluville romaanikäsikirjoituksille, jotka ovat perillä Teoksessa 31.3.2011 mennessä.


The Impossible Music Sessions

Though the freedom of music is often taken for granted, creative expression is limited by censorship, intimidation, and cultural pressures in many places, from Iran to Zimbabwe to China, as well as western democracies. The Impossible Music Sessions feature the artists who cannot appear and the music that they are not free to make.