Hauskaa joulua!
2011 YouTube-joulukalenteri 1
Tämän vuoden videojoulukalenterissa livemäisiä esiintymisiä sieltä täältä.
Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal
Amazon will publish 122 books this fall in an array of genres, in both physical and e-book form. It is a striking acceleration of the retailer’s fledging publishing program that will place Amazon squarely in competition with the New York houses that are also its most prominent suppliers.
Rome Sweet Rome
Redditin kommentista elokuvaksi. Mitä jos nykyinen USA:n armeijan pataljoona matkustaisi ajassa taaksepäin Rooman valtakuntaan?
Warner Brothers to film Rome Sweet Rome movie
Japanissa on jo tehty Sengoku Jieitai 1549, joka kertoo Sengoku-kaudelle päätyvästä modernista armeijayksiköstä, mutta siitä on varaa parantaa.
S.M. Stirlingin Nantucket-sarjassa puolestaan Nantucketin saari siirtyy pronssikaudelle.
Warner Brothers to film Rome Sweet Rome movie
Japanissa on jo tehty Sengoku Jieitai 1549, joka kertoo Sengoku-kaudelle päätyvästä modernista armeijayksiköstä, mutta siitä on varaa parantaa.
S.M. Stirlingin Nantucket-sarjassa puolestaan Nantucketin saari siirtyy pronssikaudelle.
Bob Dylan värittää valokuvia
Galleria on nyt muuttanut näyttelyyn markkinointiaan. Kun aiemmin näyttelyä kuvattiin "visuaaliseksi matkaksi", nyt kyse onkin "visuaalisista heijastuksista".
Uncreative writing
For the past several years, I've taught a class at the University of Pennsylvania called "Uncreative Writing." In it, students are penalized for showing any shred of originality and creativity. Instead they are rewarded for plagiarism, identity theft, repurposing papers, patchwriting, sampling, plundering, and stealing. Not surprisingly, they thrive.
If all language can be transformed into poetry by merely reframing—an exciting possibility—then she who reframes words in the most charged and convincing way will be judged the best.
Even if, as Christian Bök claims, poetry in the future will be written by machines for other machines to read, there will be, for the foreseeable future, someone behind the curtain inventing those drones, so that even if literature is reducible to mere code—an intriguing idea—the smartest minds behind the machines will be considered our greatest authors.
If all language can be transformed into poetry by merely reframing—an exciting possibility—then she who reframes words in the most charged and convincing way will be judged the best.
Even if, as Christian Bök claims, poetry in the future will be written by machines for other machines to read, there will be, for the foreseeable future, someone behind the curtain inventing those drones, so that even if literature is reducible to mere code—an intriguing idea—the smartest minds behind the machines will be considered our greatest authors.
6 Things the Film Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About
Here’s a basic example of Hollywood Accounting: A studio makes a movie. The studio distributes the movie itself, and although the distributor is technically a separate company, they both belong to the same parent company. Also, the distribution arm sets whatever fees it wants. If they want to charge themselves eleventy quintillion dollars for distribution, they totally can. Then, even if the film earns billions of dollars in box office receipts, they’re still technically in debt (to themselves) and thus haven’t turned a profit. --
Winston Groom, the writer of Forrest Gump was told that the film based on his work wasn’t profitable. Of course, he got the last laugh when they came to him asking if they could turn the sequel, Gump and Co. into a film as well, and he reportedly told them, ”I cannot, in good conscience, allow money to be wasted on a failure.” In other words, “Go fuck yourself.”
Winston Groom, the writer of Forrest Gump was told that the film based on his work wasn’t profitable. Of course, he got the last laugh when they came to him asking if they could turn the sequel, Gump and Co. into a film as well, and he reportedly told them, ”I cannot, in good conscience, allow money to be wasted on a failure.” In other words, “Go fuck yourself.”
Uwe Boll and the German Tax Code: Why people keep giving him money to make movies
Ach du lieber! You've lost nearly 95 million, right? No, we're not done yet. Follow me closely here: Under the German tax code, you can take the full 90-million deduction, then have your Munich shell company charge me (the American producer) 80 million to lease back the rights to my movie. Because you just took a 90-million loss, you don't have to pay taxes on the 80 million you recouped.
Cory Doctorow: Why Should Anyone Care?
But the reality of books was this: a publisher’s rep would come in and tell us breathlessly about the lead titles – how much promotion they were up for, how much the house believed in the title, how well the author had done before. We’d order a pile of hardcovers, generally a smaller pile than we’d been asked to take, and usually, they’d sell modestly well. Then we’d return the leftovers, and some months later, they’d resurface as remainders, with their dustjackets clipped or magic-markered lines drawn on their page-edges. Then they’d come in as paperbacks, hang around for a few months longer, and vanish. Sometimes, a copy or two would surface as used trade-ins, and sometimes a regular would ask us to order a copy, but within a short time, the book would no longer be in the publisher’s catalog in any form. It would be gone. -- Here’s the thing: I’ve just described the best-promoted books in the field, the ones with the biggest push.
Rosvohammas ja Norsunluuvaras -trilogia julkaistu
Rosvohammas ja Norsunluuvaras -trilogia julkaistu 1.9.11.
Eeppistä post-apokalyptistä invaasiofantasiaa animetroopeilla kuorrutettuna.
X Meets Y -tiivistelmä: Return to Nevèrÿon meets Nemesis the Warlock.
Pod-kirjat 11,99€/kpl ja e-kirjat 1,99€/kpl (helppo muistaa).
Kirja yksi (373 sivua)
Kirja kaksi (333 sivua)
Kirja kolme (374 sivua)
Aiemmat e-kirjani ovat olleet ilmaisia, kokeilen tällä kertaa pientä hintalappua myös niiden kohdalla.
EDIT: Tilaa ennen 9.9. ja käytä koodia SEPTEMBER, saat 20% alennuksen.
Eeppistä post-apokalyptistä invaasiofantasiaa animetroopeilla kuorrutettuna.
X Meets Y -tiivistelmä: Return to Nevèrÿon meets Nemesis the Warlock.
Pod-kirjat 11,99€/kpl ja e-kirjat 1,99€/kpl (helppo muistaa).
Kirja yksi (373 sivua)
Kirja kaksi (333 sivua)
Kirja kolme (374 sivua)
Aiemmat e-kirjani ovat olleet ilmaisia, kokeilen tällä kertaa pientä hintalappua myös niiden kohdalla.
EDIT: Tilaa ennen 9.9. ja käytä koodia SEPTEMBER, saat 20% alennuksen.
Musiikkivideoita ja ennustuksia
Ennustin eilen Oulun musiikkivideofestareilla, että Olavi Uusivirran video on juuri sellainen tyypillinen tuomariston voittajavalinta. Tänään luin uutisista, että ennustukseni kävi toteen.
Omat suosikkivideoni tänä vuonna olivat Femme en Fourrure - Bronco, Ukkosmaine - Salamaponi, Kotiteollisuus - Raskaat veet ja Medeia - Abandon All.
Alkuvuonna tein myös ennustuksen, että Teoksen scifi- ja fantasiakirjakilpailun voittaa joko "huolestuttava visio ekokatastrofista" tai "koskettava kuvaus teinivampyyristä". Tässäkin ennustukseni osuivat varsin lähelle.
(Lisättäköön, että ennustettavuus ei tietenkään kerro mitään teosten laadusta, ainoastaan aiheiden tai toteutuksen ennalta-arvattavuudesta.)
Omat suosikkivideoni tänä vuonna olivat Femme en Fourrure - Bronco, Ukkosmaine - Salamaponi, Kotiteollisuus - Raskaat veet ja Medeia - Abandon All.
Alkuvuonna tein myös ennustuksen, että Teoksen scifi- ja fantasiakirjakilpailun voittaa joko "huolestuttava visio ekokatastrofista" tai "koskettava kuvaus teinivampyyristä". Tässäkin ennustukseni osuivat varsin lähelle.
(Lisättäköön, että ennustettavuus ei tietenkään kerro mitään teosten laadusta, ainoastaan aiheiden tai toteutuksen ennalta-arvattavuudesta.)
Spam clogging Amazon’s Kindle self-publishing
Spam has hit the Kindle, clogging the online bookstore of the top-selling eReader with material that is far from being book worthy and threatening to undermine Inc’s publishing foray.
Aspiring spammers can even buy a DVD box set called Autopilot Kindle Cash that claims to teach people how to publish 10 to 20 new Kindle books a day without writing a word.
Aspiring spammers can even buy a DVD box set called Autopilot Kindle Cash that claims to teach people how to publish 10 to 20 new Kindle books a day without writing a word.
Iain M Banks: Science fiction is no place for dabblers
substitute the phrase "science fiction" for the word "detective", delete the 1930s murder-mystery novel clichés and insert some 30s science fiction clichés and I get the impression this scenario has indeed played out, and not just once but several times, and the agent/editor has – bizarrely – entirely shared the enthusiasm of their author, so that, a year or two later, yet another science fiction novel which isn't really a science fiction novel – but, like, sort of is at the same time? – hits the shelves, usually to decent and only slightly sniffy reviews (sometimes, to be fair, to quite excitable reviews) while, off-stage, barely heard, howls of laughter and derision issue from the science fiction community.
The secret life of libraries
"If someone suggested the idea of public libraries now, they'd be considered insane," says Peter Collins, library services manager in Worksop. "If you said you were going to take a little bit of money from every taxpayer, buy a whole load of books and music and games, stick them on a shelf and tell everyone, 'These are yours to borrow and all you've got to do is bring them back,' they'd be laughed out of government."
Poesian runokirjat ilmaiseksi
Uusi Poesia-kustantamo tarjoaa kaikki runokirjat ilmaiseksi netissä.
Uudet versiot kirjoista
Lulu.comin painatushinnat ovat alentuneet, joten oli sopiva aika tehdät uudet versiot vanhoista kirjoista. Sama sisältö, mutta tiukempi design ja halvempi hinta.
- Pyöreitä esineitä etsimässä 160 sivua, 7,95€
- Viihdettä Vierailijoille 312 sivua, 11,98€
- Kuoleman kuningas 222 sivua, 9,95€
- Elottomat kuvat 148 sivua, 6,95€
That’s the torture of walking into a bookshop these days: it’s not that you think the books will all be terrible; it’s that you know they’ll all have a certain degree of competent workmanship, that most will have about three genuinely beautiful or interesting sentences and no really bad ones, that many will have at least one convincing, well-observed character, and that nearly all will be bound up in a story that you can’t bring yourself to care about. All that great writing, trapped in mediocre books! Who, indeed, has time to read them?
A New Sith, or Revenge of the Hope
With the Death Star destroyed, Han and Luke get medals but Chewie doesn't. Actually, Leia offers him one but the wookiee turns it down. He got one of those things from Yoda about twenty years ago, but there's no way he can tell her that.
I Will Always Have Been Back: Toward a Grand Unified Theory of Schwarzenegger
And so the Terminator, calling itself Conan once more, continued its long and lonely march through history. Having forgot that it was a machine, it lived as a man.
Barry Eisler Walks Away From $500,000 Deal to Self-Pub
If you look at the current Top 100 bestsellers on Kindle, twenty-seven of them are self-published. Many of those authors were rejected by NY. Yet consumers are showing us what they want to read, and voting with their wallets.
5 Hollywood Secrets That Explain Why So Many Movies Suck
Hollywood studios generally buy 10 times as many scripts as they make into movies, which means they currently own exclusive rights to a shitload of films that will never see production. And in most cases, they won't let anyone else have them. E.T., The Matrix, Pulp Fiction and Star Wars are all films that you never would have seen because the studios that owned them were content to sit on each forever. They were saved only because someone convinced another studio to re-buy them, usually at a higher price.
Hollywood's conservatism: why no one wants to make a "risky" movie
In the last several years, a new rule of operation has taken over: The movie itself has to be the brand. And because a brand is, by definition, familiar, a brand is also, by definition, not original.
The eBook User’s Bill of Rights
Every eBook user should have the following rights:
I believe in the free market of information and ideas.
I believe that authors, writers, and publishers can flourish when their works are readily available on the widest range of media. I believe that authors, writers, and publishers can thrive when readers are given the maximum amount of freedom to access, annotate, and share with other readers, helping this content find new audiences and markets. I believe that eBook purchasers should enjoy the rights of the first-sale doctrine because eBooks are part of the greater cultural cornerstone of literacy, education, and information access.
Digital Rights Management (DRM), like a tariff, acts as a mechanism to inhibit this free exchange of ideas, literature, and information. Likewise, the current licensing arrangements mean that readers never possess ultimate control over their own personal reading material. These are not acceptable conditions for eBooks.
I am a reader. As a customer, I am entitled to be treated with respect and not as a potential criminal. As a consumer, I am entitled to make my own decisions about the eBooks that I buy or borrow.
I am concerned about the future of access to literature and information in eBooks. I ask readers, authors, publishers, retailers, librarians, software developers, and device manufacturers to support these eBook users’ rights.
These rights are yours. Now it is your turn to take a stand. To help spread the word, copy this entire post, add your own comments, remix it, and distribute it to others. Blog it, Tweet it (#ebookrights), Facebook it, email it, and post it on a telephone pole.
- the right to use eBooks under guidelines that favor access over proprietary limitations
- the right to access eBooks on any technological platform, including the hardware and software the user chooses
- the right to annotate, quote passages, print, and share eBook content within the spirit of fair use and copyright
- the right of the first-sale doctrine extended to digital content, allowing the eBook owner the right to retain, archive, share, and re-sell purchased eBooks
I believe in the free market of information and ideas.
I believe that authors, writers, and publishers can flourish when their works are readily available on the widest range of media. I believe that authors, writers, and publishers can thrive when readers are given the maximum amount of freedom to access, annotate, and share with other readers, helping this content find new audiences and markets. I believe that eBook purchasers should enjoy the rights of the first-sale doctrine because eBooks are part of the greater cultural cornerstone of literacy, education, and information access.
Digital Rights Management (DRM), like a tariff, acts as a mechanism to inhibit this free exchange of ideas, literature, and information. Likewise, the current licensing arrangements mean that readers never possess ultimate control over their own personal reading material. These are not acceptable conditions for eBooks.
I am a reader. As a customer, I am entitled to be treated with respect and not as a potential criminal. As a consumer, I am entitled to make my own decisions about the eBooks that I buy or borrow.
I am concerned about the future of access to literature and information in eBooks. I ask readers, authors, publishers, retailers, librarians, software developers, and device manufacturers to support these eBook users’ rights.
These rights are yours. Now it is your turn to take a stand. To help spread the word, copy this entire post, add your own comments, remix it, and distribute it to others. Blog it, Tweet it (#ebookrights), Facebook it, email it, and post it on a telephone pole.
The Very Rich Indie Writer
there is no traditional publisher in the world right now that can offer Amanda Hocking terms that are better than what she’s currently getting, right now on the Kindle store, all on her own.
Indie eBook Hall of Fame
All the books listed on this page have been personally reviewed and vetted by book reviewers who feature indie books on their blogs. In order to be listed on this page, a book must meet the following criteria:
* It is available in ebook form
* It is sold in multiple formats, at least one of them from a DRM-free vendor
* It has received a positive recommendation from at least three independent bloggers
* It is available in ebook form
* It is sold in multiple formats, at least one of them from a DRM-free vendor
* It has received a positive recommendation from at least three independent bloggers
The Last Ring-bearer by Kirill Yeskov
Well, there's two sides to every story, or to quote a less banal maxim, history is written by the winners. That's the philosophy behind "The Last Ringbearer," a novel set during and after the end of the War of the Ring (the climactic battle at the end of "The Lord of the Rings") and told from the point of view of the losers. The novel was written by Kirill Yeskov, a Russian paleontologist, and published to acclaim in his homeland in 1999. Translations of the book have also appeared in other European nations, but fear of the vigilant and litigious Tolkien estate has heretofore prevented its publication in English.
At 139,000 words, this 1 Mb PDF is about 80% of the length of The Fellowship of the Ring.
At 139,000 words, this 1 Mb PDF is about 80% of the length of The Fellowship of the Ring.
Muistelo vanhoista peli-ideoista
Joskus 90-luvun puolivälissä järjestettiin peli-ideakilpailu, johon sai lähettää synopsiksia uusille tietokonepeleille. Osallistuin muutamalla idealla.
Yksi ideoistani oli rakentelupeli, jossa täytyy keräillä puupalikoita voidakseen rakentaa talon ja kantaa vesipalikoita voidakseen sammuttaa tulipalon ilman sen kummempaa päämäärää. Tuomariston kommentit ideasta olivat jotain "ei kukaan pelaisi näin päämäärätöntä sandboxia".
Toinen ideani oli tasohyppely, jossa pelaaja on palvelurobotti tähtienvälisellä huviristeilijällä ja joutuu juoksemaan ympäri alusta toteuttaen erilaisten otusten outoja tilauksia, aluksi turistiluokassa ja ylennysten jälkeen luksusluokassa. Tuomariston kommentit tästä pelistä olivat jotain "ei kukaan jaksaisi pelata palvelurobottina".
Varsinainen hauskuus pelissä olisi tietysti ollut ryhtyä kapinalliseksi, juosta poliiseja karkuun ja kerätä pluspisteiden sijaan mahdollisimman paljon miinuspisteitä aiheuttaen kaaosta aluksella.
Kilpailun voitti muistaakseni joku poliittinen Civilization-klooni, josta ei kuultu sen jälkeen.
Yksi ideoistani oli rakentelupeli, jossa täytyy keräillä puupalikoita voidakseen rakentaa talon ja kantaa vesipalikoita voidakseen sammuttaa tulipalon ilman sen kummempaa päämäärää. Tuomariston kommentit ideasta olivat jotain "ei kukaan pelaisi näin päämäärätöntä sandboxia".
Toinen ideani oli tasohyppely, jossa pelaaja on palvelurobotti tähtienvälisellä huviristeilijällä ja joutuu juoksemaan ympäri alusta toteuttaen erilaisten otusten outoja tilauksia, aluksi turistiluokassa ja ylennysten jälkeen luksusluokassa. Tuomariston kommentit tästä pelistä olivat jotain "ei kukaan jaksaisi pelata palvelurobottina".
Varsinainen hauskuus pelissä olisi tietysti ollut ryhtyä kapinalliseksi, juosta poliiseja karkuun ja kerätä pluspisteiden sijaan mahdollisimman paljon miinuspisteitä aiheuttaen kaaosta aluksella.
Kilpailun voitti muistaakseni joku poliittinen Civilization-klooni, josta ei kuultu sen jälkeen.
Francis Ford Coppola: On Risk, Money, Craft & Collaboration
You try to go to a producer today and say you want to make a film that hasn’t been made before; they will throw you out because they want the same film that works, that makes money. That tells me that although the cinema in the next 100 years is going to change a lot, it will slow down because they don’t want you to risk anymore. They don’t want you to take chances. So I feel like [I’m] part of the cinema as it was 100 years ago, when you didn't know how to make it. You have to discover how to make it.
What Could Have Been Entering the Public Domain on January 1, 2011?
If the pre-1978 law were still in effect, we could have seen 85% of the works created in 1982 enter the public domain on January 1, 2011. Imagine what that would mean to our archives, our libraries, our schools and our culture. Instead, these works will remain under copyright for decades to come, perhaps even into the next century. And for most of them – orphan works – that means they will be both commercially unavailable and culturally off limits, without any benefit going to a copyright holder. Think of the cultural harm that does.
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