


Epäkirja on kuin kirja, mutta se julkaistaan versioina, sitä parannetaan palautteen kautta, eikä se tule koskaan valmiiksi. Ensimmäinen painos on versio 1.0, seuraava painos on erilainen ja parannettu versio 2.0.

Wake-up call to the publishing industry: Why don’t you produce books that are current? Where are the pictures and maps? Why is the text all one size and color? Why don’t you provide updates on the Web? Why does it take a year to turn out a book? Why do most books come out as if one size fits all? Why don’t you encourage conversation with authors? How long do you expect to remain in business if you continue to act like fossils? http://www.internettime.com/2008/06/30/dawn-of-the-un-book/

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